A sunset asking..."Where will your dreams take you?"

Website Design & Management

We build websites that work!

A website is a big investment. Let's make sure it's not a waste of your money.

Tired of worrying about your website?  We have the perfect solution.

Let us worry about managing your website!



What does it mean to have a web designer build you a website that works? It's about more than just design, and it's more than just having all the technical components functioning properly. A good web designer is someone that will design your website to actively promote your brand and meet your visitors' needs. A working website is your organization's digital home. It supports every online activity you undertake, from digital advertising to online customer service. Done right, a working website is your brands most powerful marketing tool. Your website represents you and your company to the world. We include both UX and UI design in our websites.  Make sure your website is always the BEST it can be!

A magnifying glass
People having a meeting about a website project.

Our goal is to help you achieve success. That starts with getting to know you and your customers. We may be really great web designers, but YOU are the real expert when it comes to your business. We want to know what you do and how you do it, so we can help you do it even better. Plus, cookie-cutter websites are boring, and we like a little excitement.

"Once you stop learning, you start dying." - Albert Einstein

A Icon of a Light Bulb
Designing a new website.

Good design solves problems. That's why we start every project learning about your customers pain points and your organization's goals. So, when we start designing, we have a clear set of objectives in mind. Whether we are creating a new brochure or completely rebuilding a website, our design work is solutions-focused.

“Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration.” -Jeffrey Zeldman

Computer Code.
Research for building a new website!

It's easy to make things look good online. It's not so easy to make them fast, secure, responsive, and efficient. Every website we build is responsively designed, so it looks good on devices of all shapes and sizes. Before we start building a site, we learn what devices your users are most likely to use, then we make sure your site is built to meet their needs. Then, we make sure it's lightning fast, secure, and built for success.

“Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.” -Paul Cookson

A person checking out a website on a mobile phone.

There are more than four billion pages on the internet, and even a great website can get lost in the crowd. That's why we start planning to promote your business before we write the first line of code. We help you navigate all the options for online promotion, from SEO to social media, and our solutions-focused approach ensures that your ad dollars never go to waste.

“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.” ― Paul Cookson

A icon of a dart hitting a bulls eye.
Getting all of the facts and figures correct before starting a new website!

Your customers are unique, and so is their online behavior. So instead of guessing at what might work for your business, we are constantly measuring, adjusting, and monitoring. Sometimes the smallest changes can translate into big results for your website. We employ a wide variety of tools to measure your site's performance in search and social media, and to track your users' behavior and engagement. As we learn more, we design, build, and promote better and more efficiently.

“Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries.” -Neville Brody

A group of people sit around a table with notebooks, laptops, and coffee.

Our goal is to help you achieve success. That starts with getting to know you and your customers. We may be really great web designers, but YOU are the real expert when it comes to your business. We want to know what you do and how you do it, so we can help you do it even better. Plus, cookie-cutter websites are boring, and we like a little excitement.

"Once you stop learning, you start dying."
- Albert Einstein

A notebook with a website layout sketched on its page sitting next to a phone and pen on a wooden table.

Good design solves problems. That's why we start every project learning about your customers and your organization's goals. So, when we start designing, we have a clear set of objectives in mind. Whether we are creating a new brochure or completely rebuilding a website, our design work is solutions-focused.

“Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration.”
- Jeffrey Zeldman

A laptop sitting next to a book about HTML and CSS web design

It's easy to make things look good online. Every website we build is responsively designed, so it looks good on all devices. Before we start building, we investigate your potential audience so we can provide an optimal experience for your visitors. Then, we make sure it's lightning fast, secure, and built for success.

“Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.”
- Paul Cookson

An iPhone screen displaying social media app logos

There are billions of web pages on the internet, and even a great website can get lost in that crowd. That's why we start planning to promote your business before we write the first line of code. We help you navigate all the options for online promotion, from SEO to social media, and our solutions-focused approach ensures that your ad dollars never go to waste.

“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.” 
- Paul Cookson

A man works at a laptop displaying analytics data

Your customers are unique and so are their online behaviors. So instead of guessing at what might work for your business, we are constantly measuring, adjusting, and monitoring. Sometimes the smallest changes can translate into big results for your website. We employ a wide variety of tools to measure your site's performance in search and social media, and to track your users' behavior and engagement. As we learn more, we design, build, and promote better and more efficiently.

“Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries.”
- Neville Brody


Whether you are starting a new venture or hoping to build an existing business, the right web design company can be an invaluable partner. We are proud to have served hundreds of local small business owners, and thrilled that we have been part of so many successful ventures. As good and dedicated as we like to think we are, we know that we aren't the right fit for every project, so here are some things you should know about what it's like to work with NowSoft.

  1. We're small, but powerful! If you want to have meetings in a big fancy office, if you want interns doing the work on your website, and if you want a flashy agency name to throw around, we might not be right for you. If you want to work directly with an experienced designer, to get a true value for your money, and if you care about substance over style, you sound like our kind of people! We love small businesses, and we are committed to keeping our prices accessible to businesses of all sizes.
  2. We think websites are REALLY important, and we truly believe in the power of what it can do for your business! In our years in this business, we have watched too many business owners waste their money on websites that don't work, and we just can't be part of that. An effective website doesn't have to be huge or expensive, but it does have to be solution-focused and User Friendly! That's what we do, and we would like to build one for you!
  3. We don't believe in bad ideas or stupid questions. The best work happens when people collaborate and share different points of view. That is how we work. We ask a lot of questions, and we never dismiss an idea before we've thought it all the way through. Sometimes a crazy idea can lead to a design that is awesome!

Here's how we build a website that works

As a full-service Web Design and S.E.O. company, we offer a wide variety of services, from web development to hosting, email support, S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization), Shopping Carts, Reputation Management, Website Leasing, Website Management and much more... You could look at this list as a menu to pick and choose from, but that isn't how we like to think of it. We think this list is more like a tool set. We don't try to sell you things that you may not need! If you don't need SEO, we aren't going to sell it to you. Some websites are just used for informational purposes and the company simply uses it to direct clients to their website to access accounts or a certain type of information. Our goal is to get to know your organization, then once we see what your needs are, then we will suggest a combination of products and services that can help your organization exceed your goals and delight your customers. We have a saying at NowSoft. "We not only build websites, we also build relationships "!



  • Responsive
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Modern Code
  • Search Friendly


  • Google Compliant
  • Site Maps
  • Robots.txt
  • Images Compressed
  • Standard Markup


  • 99.9% UpTime
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free EMail Account
  • World Class Servers


  • Responisve
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Modern Code
  • Search Friendly

site  MGMT

  • Daily Backups
  • Site Security
  • Anti-Virus Protection
  • Plugins Updated 24/7
  • SSL Certificates


  • 99.9% UpTime
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Short & Long Term
  • World Class Servers
We love helping businesses succeed!

There are so many things to know and keep up with in order to run a website for your business in today's world! It has become a full time job! But you have a business to run, when are you going to have time to learn all of the stuff you need to know about keeping your website safe, secure, updated and visible to the entire world? Did you know Google has changed their algorythms for search as much as 500 times in a year! That is a LOT of changes to keep up with....right? NowSoft is here to help you as a business owner who wants to pay attention to their business and not have to worry about all that web stuff. We have a saying here at NowSoft... "We not only build websites, we also build relationships."

Contact Us today.